Monday, December 5, 2011

मैं जिंदगी का साथ निभाता चला गया...

"मौत ये ख़याल है जैसे जिंदगी ये ख़याल है !

न सुख है , न दुःख है ! न दीन है , न दुनिया !

न इंसान , न भगवान् !

सिर्फ मै हूँ , मै हूँ , मै हूँ, मै हूँ -मैं - सिर्फ मैं ! "

देवानंद अब हमारे बीच इस दुनिया में नहीं रहे... पर उन जैसे जिंदादिल इन्शान की गैरमौजूदगी भी हमें जिंदगी में पूरे जोशो खरोश से मौजूद रहने को हमेशा हौशला देती रहेगी । बोहोत सालों पहले जब मैं हर रविवार 'The Times of India' [ 'Sunday edition'] रेगुलर पढ़ा करता था । मुझे अब भी याद है जब अपने करियर के शुरुआती दौर में अपने तनख्वा में से उन्होंने एक साइकिल और किताबें खरीदीं थी । वो संस्करण अभी भी मेरे पास है।

उनकी मैंने बोहोतों फ़िल्मी देखीं हैं पर 'GUIDE' सबसे ज्यादा याद रही।

उनकी जिंदगी एक खुली किताब है और उनके खुशनुमा मिजाज़ के हम कायल हैं । कहते हैं की वो ऐसे कलाकार थे जो अपनी अशफलता का कभी मातम नहीं मनाते मिले...बल्कि उनकी पार्टियों की रौनक देख सभी हैरत में होते ...उनके लिए फिल्म बनाने में जो मज़ा /आनंद है वो ज्यादा कीमती है बजाये इसके की वो बॉक्स ऑफिस पे कितनी चली... मुझे लगता है की उनकी स्तिथि 'समत्व' / 'स्तिथ्प्रग्य' सी थी...

इस महान फनकार की याद में सुनिए उनकी एक फिल्म का ये गीत...

ॐ शांति शांति शांति !!!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Month of Sesshin

This month is like a month of Sesshin [touching the heart-mind] for me. I have been to a three days Osho Meditation Camp at fireflies ashram. I enjoyed full moon night at pyramid valley in Maitereya Budha Pyramid. And, attended an inpiring session at Choe Khor Sum ling this sunday. One significant family meet happened which finally cleared doubts in people's mind. They could now be free of past and future to enjoy the sheer joy of being here & now. And, with grace of existance things seems moving in harmony.

One another major experience I am going through is by reading 'The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying' by Sogyal Rinpoche. This I see certainly in one among the life changing experience for me...and eventually I started reading it around the date 25th :)

Few excerpts [till the pages I have yet read] which may steer you:

"Over many years of contemplation and teaching and practice, and clarifying questions with my masters, I have written The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying as the quintessence of the heart-advice of all my masters, to be a new Tibetan Book of the Dead and a Tibetan Book of Life. I want it to be a manual, a guide, a work of reference, and a source of sacred inspiration.

Only by going over this book and reading it again and again, I suggest, can its many layers of meaning be revealed. The more you use it, you will find, the more profoundly you will feel its implications, and the more you will come to realize the depth of the wisdom that is being transmitted to you through the teachings..."


"Human beings spend all their lives preparing, preparing, preparing . . .

Only to meet the next life unprepared."


"Tibetan Buddhists believe that illnesses like cancer can be a warning, to remind us that we have been neglecting deep aspects of our being, such as our spiritual needs.

we take this warning seriously and change fundamentally the direction of our lives, there is a very real hope for healing not only our body, but our whole being..."


"Let us now think of what frequently happens in relationships.

So often it is only when people suddenly feel they are losing their partner that they realize that they love them. Then they cling on even tighter.

But the more they grasp, the more the other person escapes them, and the more fragile their relationship becomes.

So often we want happiness, but the very way we pursue it is so clumsy and unskillful that it brings only more sorrow..."


"The space inside is exactly the same as the space outside. "


"The first step is the practice of Meditation.

It is meditation that slowly purifies the ordinary mind,

unmasking and exhausting its habits and illusions,

so that we can, at the right moment, recognize who we really are."

ॐ शांति शांति शांति !!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Coming Back to Life...

" Where were you when I was burned and broken
While the days slipped by from my window watching
Where were you when I was hurt and I was helpless
Because the things you say and the things you do surround me
While you were hanging yourself on someone else's words
Dying to believe in what you heard
I was staring straight into the shining sun

Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slow
While I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastime

I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the moment had arrived
For killing the past and coming back to life
I took a heavenly ride through our silence
I knew the waiting had begun
And headed straight...into the shining sun "

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

मैं तन्हा था मगर इतना नहीं था...

"मैं तन्हा था मगर इतना नहीं था,

तेरे बारे में जब सोचा नहीं था ।

समंदर ने मुझे प्यासा ही रखा ,

मैं जब सेहरा में था प्यासा नहीं था ।

मनाने - रूठने के खेल में हम,

बिछड़ जायेंगे ये सोचा नहीं था ।

सुनोगे तुम की बंद कर ली हैं मैंने आँखे ,

कई रातों से मैं सोया नहीं था । "

[सेहरा: Sehra is parched, lifeless and inanimate yet one of the most enduring tales of love (Laila and Majnu) was played out in its inhospitable sands.

At more spiritual level its monolithic space holds most fascinating conundrums of life.]

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

जीवन में एक बड़ी गहरी खाई पैदा हो गयी है...

"जीवन में एक बड़ी गहरी खाई पैदा हो गयी है जिसे भरकर सड़क नहीं बना सक रहा ।
पुल बनता हूँ मगर वो भी हर समय साथ नहीं देता ; मौके-मौके पे टूट जाता है ..."

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

" कुछ न कुछ तो ज़रूर होना है ; सामना आज उनसे होना है...
तोड़ो, फैंको , रखो , करो कुछ भी ; दिल हमारा है ; क्या खिलौना है ...
ज़िन्दगी और मौत का मतलब ; तुमको पाना है तुमको खोना है ...

इतना डरना भी क्या है दुनिया से ; जो भी होना है वोह तो होना है...

उठ के महफ़िल से मत चले जाना ; तुमसे रौशन यह कोना कोना है ... "

कहीं कुछ रौशन है अगर कहीं कुछ जल रहा है...और जिसके जलने में ही महफिले दुनिया में रौनक है । रौशनी के त्यौहार दीपावली पे और क्या बात की जाए... एक शामे ग़ज़ल हो और उजालों से शुरुआत की जाए ।
इस महीने की २५ तारीख की किस्मत में दिवाली साथ है...दिए और बाती हर तरफ सजे हैं...आँखे दुनिया की चका चौंध को देख के फुले नहीं समां रही...हर जगह उमंग है , उत्साह है, त्यौहार है ।
मगर बाहर सब कुछ होते भी भीतर भी क्या वोही बात है?
ज्योति जो अंतर में अहर्निस जलती है क्या उसके लिए हमारे मन में वैसा ही अहलाद है? या फिर ये सब फ़िज़ूल की बात है ?
नहीं... मालुम है हमें की ...यही वो खाश बात (राज़) है जो हमेशा हमारी गुफ्तगू में साथ है ...
तो फिर, वहां अंतर्जगत में भी थोडा उजाला लाओ , दिए में तेल कहीं रीत रहा है ...जरा बाती तो उस्काओ ... आओ मेरे हमदम, थोड़े अपने भी करीब आओ...

"असतो मा सद्गमय ,तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ,

मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय , आविरावी मयेधि"
और मित्रों सदैव याद रखें बुद्ध के वे अंतिम वचन ....

"अप्प दीपो भव !"

[Be a Light unto Thyself]

ॐ शांति ! शांति! शांति!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Everyone says 'I Love You!' ...I am through with Love.

I'm Through With Love...
-Marilyn Monroe, Ella Fitzgerald

I have given you my true love,
But you love a new love.

What am I supposed to do now With you now, you're through?

You'll be on your merry way , And there's only this to say:

I'm through with love

I'll never fall again.

said adieu to love

Don't ever call again.

For I must have you or no one

And so I'm through with love.

I've locked my heart

I'll keep my feelings there.

I have stocked my heart with icy, frigid air.
And I mean to care for no one

Because I'm through with love.

Why did you lead me

to think you could care?

You didn't need me

for you had your share

of slaves around you

to hound you and swear

with deep emotion and devotion to you.

Goodbye to spring and all it meant to me

It can never bring the thing that used to be.

For I must have you or no one...And so I'm through with love.....

Monday, October 10, 2011

ग़ज़ल कुछ खामोश सी है आज....जगजीत सिंह, हमारे बीच नहीं रहे...

'वो कागज की कश्ती वो बारिश का पानी....'
मेरी जिंदगी में मैंने जो कुछ सुकून के पल कहीं किन्ही लोगों के बीच रह या न रह कर पाया उनमे जगजीत सिंह जी की गज़लें हमेशा रही हैं...
मैंने अपनी जिन्दगी के हर खट्टी मीठी यादों में उनकी ग़ज़लों और नज्मों के साथ अपने जज्बातों का बोहोत गहरा लगाव पाया...उनकी ग़ज़ल सुनना मेरे लिए वाकई 'महबूब से की गई बात' है...
उनका अंदाज़े बयां और सुर साज़ का बेजोड़ संगम , हम ग़ज़लों के कद्रदानों को बोहोत खटकेगा.....बोहोत याद आओगे तुम ...
मेरी बोहोत तमन्ना थी की जगजीत जी के किसी लाइव कंसर्ट में जाता और उनको करीब से देख पता , सुन पता ...मगर ये हो न सका... और अब ये आलम है... की तू नहीं...
मुझे तो अपनी जिंदगी में ऐसा लग रहा है की मेरी ग़ज़लों की ख्वाहिश कहीं यतीम हो गयी...अब हर बार जब मैं उनको सुनूंगा और कहीं न कहीं जब मेरे दिल के तारों को उनकी दर्द भरी आवाज़ छुएगी , बस कराह उठूँगा... इतने उम्दा फनकार की गैर मौजूदगी को ले कर...अभी भी मेरे हाथ कांप रहे हैं... आँखें छलक रही हैं...

तुम नहीं आये अभी फिर भी तो तुम आये हो ,

रात के सीने में महताब की खंजर की तरह

सुबह के हाथ में खुर्शीद के सागर की तरह...

तुम नहीं आओगे जब फिर भी तो तुम आओगे , ज़ुल्फ़ -दर -ज़ुल्फ़ बिखर जायेगा फिर रात का दम ,

शबेतन्हाई में भी लुत्फ़ ऐ -मुलाकात का रंग ,

आओ आने की करे बात के तुम आये हो...

आओ आने की करे बात के तुम आये हो....

अब तुम आये हो तो मैं कौन सी शेह नज़र करू ,

की मेरे पास सिवा मैहर -ओ-वफ़ा कुछ भी नहीं ,

एक दिल एक तमन्ना के सिवा कुछ भी नहीं ...

एक दिल एक तमन्ना के सिवा कुछ भी नहीं ....

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish!

'Steve Jobs is no more with us....' Today morning this news was really haunting for many of his fans.

Steve was a man with Vision and he will always be remembered for his tireless efforts to make technology available for common man with revolutionary user experience.

May God rest his soul in peace!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Cup of Tea just for you Darling!

Today morning accidentally I broke a very special tea cup of mine. As I was sweeping the pieces of it into a dustpan, I felt upset.

But, in spite of going through a thwarted phase in life, I found myself feeling grateful for one thing.

Nowadays when a hot cup of tea in my special tea cup is one of life's few luxuries I have left to enjoy- it taught me a profound lesson: things don't buy happiness.

I am always fond of tea - ‘Lipton Darjeeling Green Label Leaf Tea’. The very essence of this tea is just unrivalled for me. It is an addiction I innate from my ‘Nanihal’.

I wish I could attend the Way of Tea and could know the Zen closely. However, in my kitchen I kept my Zen Master’s photo taking tea - ‘A cup of Tea’ ("…So my book A CUP OF TEA is the only book that can be said to have been written by me. It is a compilation of my letters. Otherwise I have not written anything….")

In my family only my mother and I am very particular for the Leaf tea. Rest of us feels that it is very hard cup of tea, dust tea is better for them.
"When you’re feeling sad & blue

And have no clue what to do

Sit down and have a cup of tea

And, a hug or two or maybe three

Feel those troubles melt away

And start you on a better day."

And I leave Few quotes for Tea Lovers:
Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves - slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. ~Thich Nat Hahn

Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company. ~Author Unknown

Great love affairs start with Champagne and end with tisane. ~Honoré de BalzacAnd just don’t ask that why I like Tea . I just LOVE Tea...

Monday, September 26, 2011

A day without wallet and money!

Today when I left home, I took everything in my bag...even my not working phone; but somewhow I forgot to take my wallet.

Usually it happens when on Monday I will take my wallet out of Jeans pocket and put it in black office pant, it makes me feels that weekend has gone :(

And, when I was crossing traffic signal where sometimes Police do check DL, I just remembered that I missed it in my wallet. Thanks God, today the check didn't happen :)
I came to office and whole day, I just witnessed the urge of using wallet/money/card etc. I found it struggling without wallet many a times. I had snacks in the eveing by collecting coins from my bag's small change pocket. I felt little lost, but just remembered an article published some days back in TOI. 'IIM-B students experience what it is to be poor' . I am not saying that by missing my wallet for a day I got some "Gyan" on living without money but it certainly made me think over the materialistic approach we have to survive on daily basis. A third of Indians live on Rs 20 a day .
I have asked some of my friends that how do they feel when they don't have sufficient balance in their account/has just few rupees in pocket. Most of them say they feel like 'screwed'. And, this seems like a problem of larger population. Money empowers us, it gives a 'FEEL GOOD' !!
May be that is why we miss PEACE of MIND, just because we don't have money- how much we want. And, is there a limit of wealth we posses and say it's enough? NO. But, masses are on a rat-race to accomplish 'something' in this world by all means. They say: 'Money begets Money' .
Anyhow, the day went ok as most of the time I was at work in a secured campus but the world outside is certainly not that cozy, to be without money and wallet (which contains many valuable informations for our identity and survival).
'Be Careful !' that's what one of my friend told while lending me some money EOD today :)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

काँटों की चुभन पायी फूलों का मज़ा भी ...

"काटों की चुभन पाई फूलों का मज़ा भी ;

फिर से आज २५ तारीक आई और मुझे चित्रा सिंह जी की ये बेशकीमती ग़ज़ल याद हो आई...

जिंदगी में कई लम्हे ऐशे होते हैं जो आपमें जैसे रच बस जाते हैं... आप कहीं रहो वो बिलकुल ताज़ी होती हैं...उन्ही यादों की खुशबुओं और अहसास को लिए दिल गता गुनगुनाता है और जीते रहने की तमन्ना रखे रहता है... मुझे ग़ज़लें सुनने का शौक रहा है और जगजीत सिंह - चित्रा सिंह हमेशा प्यारे रहे ।

गज़लें मेरी जिंदगी की कुछ उदाश तनहा शामों में मेरे पास रही हैं...मुझसे रूबरू रहती हैं ; और खुशियों के पलों में भी वो बहार लाती हैं ।

मेरी जिंदगी में भी ऐशे ही कुछ बेशकीमती पल रहे हैं...जो मुझे बार बार जीने की आशा देती है...

बहरहाल, कल मैं फिर से 'The Art of Living' गया था ...और इस बार लगभग पूरा आश्रम घूमा । फिर वापसी में 'People for Animals' Bangaluru भी गया । वहां जब मैं 'पेट सेमेट्री' गया तो बर्बश ही मुझे अपने 'जोनी' (पालतू कुत्ता) की याद आ गयी। उसकी एक दुर्घटना में मौत हुए बोहोत बरस हुए पर वो आज भी याद आता है। 'Dogs leave paw prints forever on your heart'
ख़ैर... फिर मिलेंगे ।

शब्बा ख़ैर !

Monday, September 19, 2011

Life without Cell Phone

'Life Without Cell Phone' can you just imagine? I know it is a Big deal. And now I am trying to make this deal however small or big for sake of my Life and Love. As in my last post I wrote that my cell got some technical issue and it couldn't get repaired. May be I need to reset the instrument once again to factory defalult. And, I feel I can only do that myself. last few days I felt that somewhere it is no more healthy for me, for my life and for my love. I don't want to continue t his dopamine-driven life. I know it is very difficult, almost like writing with left hand but sometimes we do need to put relaltion and life on top.

I want PEACE and LOVE back to my life. I need to learn to react differently in simple situations.

Just because I am going to ditch my cell phone doesn’t mean I forgo the responsibility of calling people back or I won't miss them. I will go for alternative means: letter/email/house-office land line etc. For my family or people that will actually call my significant other to get to me, I will make sure they understand my new system.

I hope my this approach will calm down my stress and my loved ones will understand me.

Giving a chance to my Life on this road travelled never before... Thank you in advance for your comments. Keep Smiling!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Pyramid Valley

This Saturday-Sunday got title of 'Pilgrimage weekend' for me. On Saturday,17Sep Vishwakarma Pooja was there. I gave my WEGO for servicing in the morning. Late in the afternoon I felt sudden sense of loneliness and somehow very sorry for all my weekends in near months. I had a plan to go to Pyramid Valley and it just popped up in mind. From My home it was around 40 KMs via NICE Road. In hurry an incident happend and my cellphone got droped and call functionality died.

I took a dormatory there for night stay and spent almost all the time roaming in the Valley and in the Pyramid. It is really nice experience being at this Budha Area. I woke up early at 04 AM in the morning and after bath I directly reached to Pyramid for morning meditation. I found that almost 90% of the people staying in velly were already there. I meditated there till 07 AM and then had walks around the hills and gardens. Pyramid valley is a must see place near Bangalore and it has certainly some Healing energy. I wish next time I could come here with my wife who is very fond of such places. After breakfast I left the valley and on the way back I visited a SAI BABA temple. My wife is a devotee of SAI BABA, and luckily I got this temple on the way to take her here also.

All folks who is in Bangalore,will surely be knowling about THE ART OF LIVING. Before I would have left Kanakpura road, I found this centre and jut went inside. I took few snaps here and there and attended SUDARSHAN KRIYA session in the afternoon. I came back to home after that and felt better after visiting these Holy places.

In the evening I am in search of some cell mechanic who can look into my PALM CENTRO and allow me to connect with people who otherwise will be thinking that I have gone 'Sanyashi' after this weekend ;) But personally I feel that, Being Sanyasi doesn't mean leaving's about living life with my true self and loving what existence has offered me. I am grateful for that. Have a great weekend dear ones! To check out my snaps do visit: Pyramid Valley

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Mujhse ek Kavita ka wada hai...

इस महीने की पच्चिश तारीख (The date 25th) यूँ ही बीत गयी और मैं कुछ लिख न सका । हुआ यूँ की दिन काफी बदहाल था और तबियत भी कुछ ठीक न थी...आज सवेरे अचानक ख्याल आया तो मेरी एक पसंदीदा फिल्म 'आनंद' का वो दृश्य याद आया...

"मौत तू एक कविता है

मुझसे एक कविता का वादा है मिलेगी मुझको

डूबती नब्जों में जब दर्द को नींद आने लगे

ज़र्द सा चेहरा लिए चाँद उफक तक पहुंचे

दिन अभी पानी में हो रात किनारे के करीब

न अभी अन्धेरा हो , न उजाला हो , न रात न दिन

जिस्म जब ख़त्म हो और रूह को साँस आए ..."

और फिर मैंने सोचा की क्या मुझसे भी किसी का वादा है...? या मेरा किसी से कोई वादा है?
है भी शायद...

गहन सघन मनमोहक वन तरु मुझको आज बुलाते हैं,

किन्तु किये जो वादे मैंने याद मुझे वो आते हैं,

अभी कहाँ आराम बड़ा यह मूक निमंत्रण छलना हैं,

अरे अभी तो मीलों मुझको , मीलों मुझको चलना ।

-हरिवंश राय बच्चन द्वारा अनुदित

“ The woods are lovely, dark and deep,

But I have promises to keep,
and miles to go before I sleep ,

and miles to go before I sleep”

- Robert Frost

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

David and the Excess Stone

David is one of the masterpiece of art by Michelangelo . Once someone asked Michelangelo that how he created David? The wise man replied that I actually saw David there in that big marble and it was very easy task. Easy in the sense that I just removed excess stone from David whom I was seeing...and whom I really wanted. I kept on removing those extra,unwanted stone and finally David appeared.
P.S. Where is that extra stone in our life which is not letting the 'David' come out ? Are not we also a 'Michelangelo' ?

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Date 25th...

One Month back on June 25th I had 'Death Experience' when I was getting drown in water.
Last night I had the same nightmare and today morning when I woke up and found myself 'Alive' I felt very greatful to the existance for the new 'Life'. And, I thought to remember/celebrate this day every month to remind myself 'How Lovely the Life is' and 'How Compassionate is the Darling Death'.

The date 25th is of special importance for one another reason also that on this very date in December 2010 (Christmas Eve) I started talks with my beloved...and that season of spring still surrounds me. But now a days It seems that the season is changing and autumn has come in my life.

I was under medication for last seven months and after that now a days suffering from the 'Side Effects' (@both levels: Physical and Mental). Hope, I should be better soon.

Anyway, Let me feel this very moment and let me THANK to ALL for my extended Probationary Period. Afterall we all are in the same Company called LIFE :)

Today I see that there is a Man who is in a Confused State. One side he sees that the Life is full of so many Desires and to fullfill them he comes into the action which is his 'Survival Extinct' in this world. Other side, he ultimately founds himself totally Alone and a Lotus blossoms into his Conscience. The very Lotus smiles and tells something to him and he gets goose bumbs. Thereafter he is in constant practice to be on the 'Middle Path' and experience the 'Life' and 'Beyond Life' both.

Will this practice is of any worth? Is he not cheating himself? Is he not aware but keeping his eyes half closed and ignoring something which is very obvious to him?....Thousand and One questions are there.

But leaving those questios apart I would like to request you to think and meditate on your Cup of Coffee/Tea and to feel how important your life is and how much prepared you are for 'a Date' with 'Darling Death'. Do we need any preparation or not...?What do you feel?

Ohm Shanti Shanti Shanti !!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Will You Miss Me? When I Die...

आज मिले हैं , कल की खबर भी नहीं ...जिंदगी इंतनी मुख़्तसर भी नहीं ...

ज़ख्म दीखते नहीं अभी लेकिन;ठन्डे होंगे तोह दर्द निकलेगा...

तैश उतरेगा कई का जब भी;चेहेरा अन्दर से ज़र्द निकलेगा ...

कच्ची मिट्टी है दिल भी इंसान भी ; देखने ही में सख्त लगता है...

आंसू पोंछें के आंसू के निशाँ ;खुश्क होने में वक़्त लगता है...

आज बोहोत दिनों बाद अपने दोस्तों के साथ मैं शहर से दूर कहीं धुमने गया था... इन दिनों एक बेखुदी सी है कहीं मुझमे जिसने आज मेरी जान ही ले लेनी थी... पर गोया की कुछ खाब अभी बाकी हैं शायद सो थोड़ी देर और जिंदगी बक्शी मेरे परवरदिगार ने....
दोपहर खाने के पहले हम कुछ मित्र स्विमिंग पूल में नहाने उतरे । मैं अभी तैरने में उतना पारंगत नहीं हुआ हूँ, पर पता नहीं किस ताकत ने मुझे ५ (पाँच) से ९ (नौ) फीट गहराई में खीच लिया,और मैं कुछ मिनटों तक अपनी मौत के बेहद करीब चला गया था । वो तो पास ही खड़े एक दोस्त (अविनाश) ने देखा मुझे तड़पते और पानी में जिंदगी के लिए जद्दो जहद करते तो कूद कर मुझे बचाया । जरा - जरा से एक हादसा होते टला... और किसी की सदा , किसी की दुआ थी साथ...
मौत से मेरा ये सामना मेरी जिंदगी का एक बेहद रोमांचकारी और यादगार लम्हा था...
"न गए दिनों को खबर मेरी , न शरीके हाल नज़र तेरी ;

तेरे देश में , मेरे भेष में , कोई और था , कोई और है ...
मेरी ज़िन्दगी किसी और की मेरे नाम का कोई और है ;

मेरा अक्स है सरेआइना , पसे आईना कोई और है ..."
मैंने सोचा की गया मैं तो मैं लोगों के बीच क्या छोड़ जाऊंगा? अपने इन्टरनेट मित्रों के बीच एक unattended FACEBOOK, ORKUT, LINKEDIN, Gmail, Blog etc...??
or a few MBs/GBs of Webspace? What will be the legacy? For what my beloved ones will remember me..? and Why ? Anyone from my Family ,Friend or Acquaintance will mourn for me for few days and then they will continue their own Life or meet the same destiny..called DEATH.
So, in a manner of speaking I would like to THANK them all for everything they knowingly or unknowingly offered me...blessed me or cursed me...

At the very moment when Life says GOOD BYE and DEATH beckons a WELCOME drink for the Mystery world ... what the MIND thinks ? what the HEART feels ? what the Soul says ?
Can't say...can't share... Just few tears in eyes and an emptyness all surrounding...
Ultimately should pause here with a beautiful song offering HOPE to LIVE and ENJOY the very LIFE we have now... Cheers my Love!!
" एक अन्धेरा लाख सितारे , एक निराशा लाख सहारे ; सबसे बड़ी सौगात हैं जीवन नादाँ हैं जो जीवन से हारे ..."

Sunday, May 8, 2011

‎"Tashwiren Deewaron pe tangi rah jati hain,
Baaten bohot si kitabon me likhi rah jati hain,
Zindgi me jo hona hota hai,hoke rahta hai,
Mere Dost!
Aadmi ki Harkaten wohi ki wohi rah jati hain.."
--kapoor (inspired by white Spirits)

About Me

Hi, I'm a simple man who wants to be friend with nature and all around. I welcome you to be in tune with yourself only...keep smiling! :)